Sportsline - Responsive Sports News Theme is a spectacularly flexible and incredibly wordpress theme for sport website. You can just simply click on this and then come down and click on the negative space. So now with the button label and button border set up,we're going to save these as Styles, so we can reuse them later.
UPDATE v2.6 on 2 October 15
So let's come in here to get advice from designers. Let's get our text in here. Let's select these characters. Over in the Properties Panel,where it says No Text Style, let's click on this. Let's come down and choose Create New Text Style. When this highlights here, we can give this a name, and I'll name this button - label. Then press return. Then let's come over here and grab the button border.Let's come in here and Create a New Shared Style for this. So I'll name this button - border. Now you may have noticed that we did not create Text Styles for the navigation element up here. We're going to be replicating this to the other layout with a symbol. And we didn't create a Text Style here because we're only using this in one instance. One thing we don't have inside of Sketch, is the ability to create local overrides or use character styles.
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