BuildPress - Construction Business WP Theme allows you to create a smart website, easily, so you can focus on what’s most important – your building projects and clients. I'll start on the first vertical grey bar and make this span for six grey bars. Then we'll come up to the Insert menu. Let's come down and choose Image. Let's go into our exercise files, into the CHO1, into the Photos folder. Let's come down and select Lounge.jpeg, click Open. Now, just like before, this image will take up all of the available space in the artboard. So, let's come up here and zoom out.
v3.3.2 (2016-03-21) @ improved: updated FontAwesome version, to include new icons # fixed: strip away html in excerpt text of the Featured Page widget # fixed: bug in WooCommerce for 768px screens # fixed: custom excerpts in featured page are not shown when just a little longer than 240 chars
Let's come in here and scale this down a little bit, just to get somewhat close to the size we need. Move this into place. Let's zoom back in. Let's come over to the Layers panel. Let's select this rectangle here that we want to use as a mask. Right click. We'll choose Use as Mask. That will clip this photograph in here. Now let's come over here and let's turn off the layout.
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